Thursday, 5 January 2012


First of all may I wish everyone (or anyone even!!) reading this a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

At the time of blogging, it is cold, wet, windy and ONLY 50 1/2 WEEKS UNTIL CHRISTMAS 2012 !!!!

Christmas 2011 has been and gone.  We enjoyed a family Christmas with quite a lot of variety, some good and some *interesting*.  (I love that word as it covers a multitude!).  My back was causing me mega-grief and I honestly am not sure how on earth I managed to cook Christmas dinner, but at least it made it onto the table.  It was Misha's first Christmas, so it was only proper that she joined us!!!  Paul still can't quite believe that he found himself cutting up Christmas dinner for a CAT!  

So what does the New Year bring?  Lots of good intentions and probably very few of them accomplished which is why I do not make resolutions!  I definitely need to get fitter in all sorts of ways, not least because my back needs it!  

On the crafting front, I don't have any plans as my styles seem to change so much.  Currently I am loving making easel cards as they can be used as a display piece when they are detached from the card base.  Over Christmas I found myself with all sorts of ideas BUT I didn't have any craft stuff with me at the cottage, and even if I had, I don't think that I would have had any time.  Now we are back, the ideas have deserted me and my creativity seems to have gone Ichabod but keep watching this space as it may return before too long.

Mandi xx