Not a picture today as I have been working hard on the scrapbook, although I was a bit naughty this morning and got a couple of bits from one of my favourite shops *Dies to Die For*. I just wish Tracy would not keep putting temptation in my way by adding new stock all the time! I am a sucker for butterflies and dragonflies, all things natural really so I am in die-heaven on the DtoDfor site!
Anyhow, back to the title of *Gotta Laugh*. No.1 Daughter works as a Teaching Assistant ..... a jammy job (NOT!) where she gets long holidays off whilst being paid! Yesterday to celebrate the end of term, she and a few other TA mates had a party!!! Various slurred phonecalls later we were vaguely assured that she had *3 very shober friends who are looking after me*. When we went to rescue her from the pub her 3 *very shober friends* had probably drowned as much vodka as she had and they were all looking after each other! She has just surfaced from her sleep this morning and assures us that she does not remember anything after 9pm! She should hook up with Miranda and do a comedy duo, it was definitely worth watching!
Off to Bury St Edmunds today to see Mum (who is a QVC/Create & Craft Queen!!!) so probably won't be blogging over the weekend.
Have a good one!
Mandi xx
If she does hook up with Miranda, I want to go and watch cos I love that woman x